Second book of InnebandyPiraterna will be released in September

For all the international Floorball fans I did write a press release in English that I thought I might share with you.

Second book of InnebandyPiraterna will be released in September

InnebandyPiraterna – Andra säsongen – framsida

Ever since Sölve Dahlgren’s debut novel ”InnebandyPiraterna – Första säsongen” (Floorball Pirates – First Season) was published in Sweden in November last year, readers have longed for the sequel. In September, ”Second season” will be released, a book which takes the young heroes on new adventures in the professional sports world.

– The response to InnebandyPiraterna have been huge. The most common question when I have been out signing books is ”when will the rest of the field?”. So it feels good to finally have completed writing it, ”says author Sölve Dahlgren, who is soon to start writing the third book in the series.

The exact release date is not clear because the final editing of the book is still ongoing but the aim is for the book to come out before the Gotheneburg Book Fair (September 23 to 26) – and above all in time for the series start in the Floorball season in the real world.

While awaiting the Second Season Dahlgrens Förlag will also ´be releasing the first season in a paperback edition. It will be out late August. The paperback also contains an extra chapter, previously unpublished.
– It is the original prologue to the first book that takes place before the Floorball World Tour started. It gives a little extra insight for the hardcore fans, ”says Dahlgren Sölve.

InnebandyPiraterna – Second season is largely about the conflicts that arise within a team where everyone has the same goal. The friendship is tested when sports and financial performance required to enable them to afford to continue playing in the worldwide tour.

– We get to know players from the first book a bit better, while it appears some new faces. I hope that readers will enjoy this as much as the first season, says Sölve Dahlgren.

Currently this Floorball saga is only available in Swedish. Dahlgren is looking for publishers in other countries like Finland, Switzerland and the Czech Republic that would be interested in the foreign rights.

– I am also looking into the possibilities of at least releasing an English version of the book so that Floorball fans all over the world, even in smaller nations will be able to read it. Today it is easy to buy books over the internet, especially if I release it as e-book as well, says Sölve Dahlgren.

Free press images of both authors and books can be found at


Pirates of Floorball ( is a series of books where we follow the players in the floorball team Helsingborg Consuls in their adventures on the Floorball World Tour. It is the story of the successful junior team which takes the step into the adult world, both on and off the floorball field. The friendship is tested when the demand for performance, both sporting and economic increase.
The first book was published in Sweden in November 2009, the Second in September 2010. A total of ten books are planned in the series.

Sölve Dahlgren ( is an author, writer, editor, project manager and consultant with his own company (Dahlgren Communications) and self-published (Dahlgren’s Publishing) – author of the book InnebandyPiraterna (Floorball Pirates).


